Marlin Loan Calculator

by eTech360


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We’re Marlin Financial, a US team of senior experts with experience in financing individualsand small businesses. To complement the online financial services we offer via the business, we’ve released our first Android app to help mobile userscalculate loans faster and easier: The Marlin Loan Calculator.Marlin Financial Loan Calculator was created with simplicity in mind and it is focusedon offering the easiest solution to calculating the true interest of a loan. With it any userwith an Android-powered smartphone can instantly calculate the total interest to pay to theoriginal lender. As you shop around for a loan, you’ll have your personal financial assistant inyour pocket.
Here are some of its most important features:
• The Marlin Loan Calculator allows you to calculate yourinterest payment automatically and instantly in asingle step via a very simple interface with only 3fields.
• Universal loans.The app can be used to calculate any type ofloans, from auto/mortgage to businesses and othertypes. Just enter the amount you borrowed, theannual interest rate & terms and it will help yousee the result fast.
• Online Solutions.The app is connected to the nline services offeredvia Marlin Financial, so you can quickly access thesite to get professional financial help.
• Free.Marlin Loan Calculator is free to install and doesn’thave any in-app purchases or advertisements (Itjust links back to the main MarlinCash.comwebsite).
Anyone at a certain point goes through the process of getting a loan so if you’ve been thereand want to help others with a simple calculator please write a review about it and publish iton your website. If you need any additional information please let us know.